I was struck by a comment that a friend made. Widowed at a young age, he is quite a few years further ahead in his journey of loss than I am. He shared with me: “Sometimes God does not answer my questions, but He answers with His presence.”
How true I have found that to be. There are no complete answers that will satisfy me on this side of heaven. A person cannot make sense of tragic loss. We can ask God. We should ask! We are designed to look for answers and to seek things out.
However, at times there needs to be a willful and humble submission that I don’t understand (and that is okay). I cannot grasp the mind of almighty God, nor fully understand the things He is working out in my situation. He is authoring my story; He will bring that story to a full and complete conclusion as He desires.
What I do experience though is the answer of His presence. God has been answering me with His presence over these last 2 years. He gives a supernatural peace that I truly could not have conjured up myself. He comforts my heart in the deepest moments of despair and I know from His Word that He weeps with me in my sorrow. Sometimes He prompts people to drop a text or send a word of encouragement. These are tangible demonstrations of God’s love and presence in my situation.
Hebrews 13:5
I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.